The GEM PRECARE platform enables manufacturers to seamlessly make the transition to Industry 4.0, while keeping their investments in legacy machines; thus, being able to tap into the potential of real-time access to sensor data in order to improve efficiency, productivity and quality.
Real-time access to process data is made possible through the deployment of sensors and is crucial in process control and monitoring. Complex event processing, or CEP in short, at the edge of the cloud or at the machine itself requires hardware platforms with adequate processing power. GEM Precare supports edge processing of sensor data through the use of powerful GEM Agents. These agents support a wide variety of embedded hardware platforms based on ARM, MIPS and x86 embedded processors, as well as embedded OSes, such as various Linux flavors and real-time OSes. Furthermore, GEM Agents can also take advantage of programmable hardware, such as FPGAs, and accelerators, such as DSPs.
Another important benefit derived from real-time access to machine performance data is the ability to perform data analytics and to apply machine learning techniques to spot trends which can predict when to schedule maintenance. The benefit of predictive maintenance over planned maintenance is that the former reduces the amount of down-time of the machine, since it’s no longer being serviced at regular intervals regardless of the actual performance or condition of the machine, but only in case of reaching a preset maximum tolerance level, the timing of which can be predicted from trends over time in the data patterns of the machine.Thus, predictive maintenance increases overall equipment effectiveness, or OEE in short.
Motors used in machines and production processes are very common and the ability to monitor them in real-time is understandably of crucial importance. GEM has developed an end-to-end motor control and monitoring solution in collaboration with Intel and B&R Automation, that takes advantage of the versatile and powerful GEM Agents for CEP at the edge and the GEM Precare cloud platform for monitoring and predictive maintenance. The process diagram shown below depicts a flow control application example. Control of a pump controls the flow rate in a pipe, and a safety valve prevents overpressure inside the pip