डेटा गुणवत्ता और शासन

डेटा गुणवत्ता और शासन परामर्श

PartnerBO helps organizations to ensure their data is governed, accurate, consistent, and in compliance. Our data quality and governance experts will ensure enterprise wide data management, data quality & consistency. Achieve sustained data governance and compliance. Implement dashboards with our data quality & governance expertise for improved processes, and control.

With the explosion in Data volumes, New types of users & personas, New data types, Different arenas data is coming from, and an ecosystem of analytics, algorithms, Machines Learning and AI, Organizations are compelled to have bulletproof Data Quality, Governance, and of course data security. This is a rippling effect throughout the different market segments in the last decade and specifically the last couple of years

नए डेटा, अधिक डेटा, नई व्यावसायिक पहल और अतिरिक्त डेटा उपभोक्ताओं के लिए अनुकूली और चुस्त लेखांकन में कठिनाई होने के साथ-साथ व्यवसाय द्वारा आवश्यक समय सीमा में लगातार विश्वसनीय डेटा वितरित करने में असमर्थ। स्टाफिंग कार्यकारी प्रायोजकों और आंतरिक हितधारकों को मूल्य प्रदर्शित करने और विश्वसनीय परिणाम प्रदान करते हुए कार्यक्रम को आगे बढ़ाने की आवश्यकता है, लेकिन संसाधन नहीं हैं। एक समाधान बनाने की क्षमता का अभाव, जो नए उपयोगकर्ताओं की बढ़ती संख्या के साथ स्वयं-सेवा विश्लेषण जैसी परियोजनाओं के लिए विश्वसनीय डेटा रखने के लिए हर विभाग की इच्छा को पूरा करता है और अलग-अलग, कभी-कभी अज्ञात साइलो में रहने वाले गलत, अविश्वसनीय डेटा के साथ बनाए रखने के लिए डेटा गुणवत्ता ढांचे की कमी नए भागीदारों और डेटा स्रोतों की दर डाउनस्ट्रीम एनालिटिक्स में निराशा और गिरावट का कारण बनती है और व्यवसाय में हिचकी आती है।


Data Quality & Governance Consulting Services
Our data governance consulting capabilities include an end to end data management, data governance assessment, strategy, planning, and implementation. 
  • Technical Assessment of the current state across source, targets, deployed infrastructure, data types, defined data governance programs, and workflows.  
  • Business Assessment of current & future governance needs as seen by stakeholders involved: from Sales, Marketing & Technology sides of the business. 
  • Creation of proposed future state architecture and processes: involving the top of the line platforms and practices for governance, data quality & data security, that empowers cross-department users interaction. 
  • Enabling Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence (ML/ AI) algorithms as part of the ecosystem to further reduce the manpower required and improve results using self-training and assisted training of the algorithms. 
  • Project Management 
  • Project Delivery 
  • A complete yet modular data management solution for data governance & quality. Customers can start small and grow or plug into their existing Informatica investment. Including but not limited to metadata cataloging, glossary, and data quality for trust and transparency
  • Cloud and On-Premise, or hybrid architecture. 
  • Data Governance for Integration & data migration 
  • Implementation is any of the top major cloud & platform providers: On-Premise, Google GCS, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, SAP  
  • Any delivery model: Agile, Waterfall, Safe, Hybrid, custom. 

Products & Technologies Supported
About Services/ Our Unique Value Add
PartnerBO can ensure that your data is in compliance, standardized, profiled, and governed. 
  • Top-quality delivery 
  • Technology excellence: we dive deep into each technology we deliver on
  • High Integrity: we see our customers' business as our own. 
  • Best cross-technology knowhow: full-stack developers turned to consultants, allow to deliver across products & ecosystems. 
  • Top data quality and governance experts 


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